Optimum Security offers individual fingerprinting services. Optimum fees apply depending on the type of application
Our cutting edge service submits your fingerprints directly to the RCMP database by capturing the prints electronically, thus wait times are reduced significantly. Results are returned in a more efficient time. And if the client wants a copy of the prints for their records, we can provide them with a print out ona C216C or FBI form using a FBI certified card printer. We can also convert ink and rolled fingerprint C216C or FBI forms into electronic format and sent to accredited conversion centre.
The RCMP have additional fees dependent on the type of application. Please refer to the website below for the RCMP Fee Schedule. www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cr-cj/fee-frais-eng.htm
Appointments: For a free consultation please contact us at:
Phone: 780.468.3331
Email: security@optimumglobal.info
Method of Payment: Visa, Mastercard, cash, money order or certified cheque.